A person who like to write words precisely as they should be, even when typing a text message, then you will be happy to find out that now you can easily type accented characters on the iPhone by just holding down the keys (E, Y, U, I, O, A, S, L, Z, C, N) and the list of their alternative pop ups. Hold and down and slide across to choose the one you want.
Double tap home button brings up Favorite contacts – or iPod
The problem with having no physical buttons means like on iPhone or iPod Touch that it’s harder to make shortcuts. However, if you double press the home button, it will take you straight into your list of favorite contacts, enabling you to make calls quickly. And, if you double press the home button when the display is off it will bring up Play/Skip buttons so you can get to your music without even having to unlock the phone – perfect for listening to the podcast.
Customize iPod Touch Bar
In iphone in the iPod touch application there are a number of options at the bottom – the iPod touch bar. However, you can customize these according to your choice by simply selecting more, then choose Edit at the top left and select the icons of your interest, and drag them down to the bottom where you want to place them.
Add link to the iPod Touch Home Screen
If you’ve got a web page that you like to visit regularly or want to save as bookmark , then you can place an icon directly on the iPhone home screen so you can get directly to it only by Pressing the ‘+’ symbol at the base of the Safari web browser and choose Add to Home Screen. this tip can work with other browsers also but compatible one.
Correct mistakes with magnifying glass
This is actually a well-known keyboard feature in iPhone; many of who are the new users must know this iPhone feature. If you make a mistake while typing, hold down your finger over the word in question and then a magnifying glass will appear enlarging the text. By rolling your finger gently, you can place the cursor precisely, enabling you to correct erroneous letters.
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Great Tips actually a well-known keyboard feature in iPhone…