
AppleRepo.Com is an independent blog and not affiliated with Apple.com. We write anything related to apple.com products like iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, mac, Itunes, and much more. Most of them are about Free iPod Apps, free ipod touch apps or Free games for ipod touch.

Please contact Us if you have any suggestions, feedback or might be you want to submit your Tips or do You want to contribute to this site, you could write for Us.

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AppleRepo team


  1. Hello,

    We released Future Scheduler App for iPhone and would appreciate if you could add it to the site and/or complete a review of the app.

    Future Scheduler, it’s a handy little productivity App which lets you automate various tasks and activities like sending an email, text messages, connect a call or may be social media updates. The idea is to simplify your life. Few simple steps and you will never hear “how could you forget my birthday”. Or never miss out a business opportunity and an important appointment. If you like socializing, Future Scheduler lets you do that as well.

    If there is any information you require please don’t hesitate to contact us.

    iPhone link – http://itunes.apple.com/app/future-scheduler/id515936774?mt=8

    Thanks in advance.


  2. Hi,

    I am Steve August, an editor working with AlphaDigits.

    We would like to submit app reviews to your site as you support guest blogging. We tried to contact you via contact form, but we couldn’t find it. Please check.


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