How to Jailbreak iPhone iOS 4.3.3 with RedSnow

Just a few hours ago, iPhone Dev team finally released the updated version of RedSn0w that could jailbreak iOS 4.3.3 for iPad, iPhone and iPod.

Here are some of the important notes you should keep in mind before you begin the process;

– you must be using iTunes 10.2 or higher to perform this jailbreak. You should also backup all your data including but not limited to contacts, photos, sms through iTunes.

– this tutorial will work perfectly on iPhone 4 and 3GS running iOS 4.3.3, although it should also work with iPad (1st generation) and iPod touch 3g and 4g.

– if you use UltraSn0w to unlock your iPhone, this tutorial is not for you. Try to use PwnageTool where you can create custom IPSW or to be safe, stay on your current version and don’t upgrade to iOS 4.3.3 if you want your iPhone unlocked.

– Jailbreak voids warranty, besides there is no 100% guarantee this tutorial will work on all devices. You are doing this at your own risk.

I hope it’s clearer for you now, let’s keep rolling.

Upgrading to iOS 4.3.3

1. Download the correct iOS 4.3.3 for your device. Click here if you are using iPhone 4 (

iPhone3,1_4.3.3_8J2_Restore.ipsw), otherwise click here for 3G (iPhone2,1_4.3.3_8J2_Restore.ipsw)

2. Now connect your iPhone with your computer via USB and launch iTunes.

3. Start the restore. For Windows, hold the Shift Key and click “Restore” button which will make you choose the right firmware for your device. For Mac, simply hold down the options key and click “Restore” and select firmware.

4. Wait…wait…and wait. iTunes will automatically upgrade your iPhone to iOS 4.3.3 but it will take a few minutes.

The Jailbreak Process

Once you’ve done the first four steps above, there is no reason for holding back. Now let’s continue for the rest of the process;

5. Now download RedSn0w (Windows / Mac) so we can proceed.

6. Run RedSn0w if you’re ready.

7. You will be prompted to select the right firmware for your device, please proceed as instructed. RedSn0w will then verify the firmware and proceeds. If it is done identifying the firmware, click on the Next button.

8. The application will then start preparing the data needed for jailbreak depending on the IPSW file you choose. You will be provided with installation options but for me, installing cydia is the most important. Select the option you want installed on your device and click Next.

9. By following simple instructions given by RedSn0w you can be sure everything will work just fine for you. Make sure your iPhone is turned Off and connected with your computer. If not, then connect your iPhone and power it off.

10. RedSn0w will then lead you to a step-by-step process on putting your iPhone to DFU mode. There is no apparent threat to your device here, so if it fails, just restart your device and go through the same process.

11. The good thing about RedSn0w is that when your iPhone has entered into DFU mode, it will do the rest of the process. So, sit back, relax and finish that cup of coffee.

There is an indication that RedSn0w is still doing the process, so just wait and wait until it tells you that it’s done.

After the reboot, you must be seeing cydia on your springboard and that’s the sign of a successful jailbreak, you may now sync back all your data with iTunes. And that’s it. Don’t hesitate to leave your comments, suggestions and questions if you have some on your mind.

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