![Apple Exploring Fuel Cell Power System](https://www.applerepo.com/wp-content/uploads/Apple-Exploring-Fuel-Cell-Power-System-300x225.jpg)
The possibility of expanding battery life by significant amounts has always eluded engineers and researchers yet it has remained at the top of the wish list for quite some time. Now it seems that Apple may be getting closer that goal given the patent they recently filed for which is essentially a fuel cell for their Macbook lineup.
The idea is simple and if it actually works then it could definitely revolutionize the way portable electronics work. The only problem is that the simple idea is actually remarkably difficult to design and build which is why it could be decades before we see anything like it. Apple’s new patent shows that they are definitely nowhere near finishing the design and in the coming years they’re expected to continue refining it, for now it is simply good to see that progress is being made.
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