Apple confirms the existence of X Snow Leopard OS

In one of the world conference notes from researchers, although dominated by news about iPhone, Steve Jobs gave some information about Mac OS X: namely, that the next version of Mac OS X will be released as the Snow Leopard. But that was all he revealed about the new Apple OS in the presentation that lasted an hour and 44 minutes.

However, as in any session of WWDC announcements, information is kept away from public eye. However, Apple has provided some additional information on Snow Leopard in a statement released after the meeting at noon, information who according to rumors and speculation circulating about an update to OS X. Apple confirmed that Snow Leopard will be a project that will focus more on improving performances than on new features. The new OS X upgrade, which is expected for release in about a year, will be improved for multi-core processors will be able to find their way through tons of RAM.

Apple also promised a new modern media platform with QuickTime X. Update site will offer original support for Microsoft Exchange 2007. “I came more than a thousand new features/features and enhancements for OS X in just seven years and Snow Leopard lay the basis for another thousand.” Said Bernard Serlet, spokesman for the president of software engineering in statement released by Apple. “In our ongoing effort to provide our users the best things we leave in standby research for new features in favor of improving the most advanced operating system in the world.”. The company has not confirmed if Snow Leopard will support only for Intel-based Mac mechanisms, as supported by some publications.

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