So you’re looking for only the very best iPhone apps? Of course you are, who isn’t? And just so you don’t have to go searching and searching through the App Store, we’ve brought you the top rated iPhone apps right here!
For productivity, there is EverNote, a free iPhone app that helps you remember everything! Use text, snapshots, or even a voice recording to keep track of all the things you need to know. Then, retrieve them all later from either your iPhone or your PC!
If you’re a gamer, you’ll be amazed at how addictive the iPhone game, Doodle Jump is. Just hop from platform to platform while shooting things out of the cute little character’s long, tubular nose. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you get addicted to this game! And while it’s not free, it does only cost $0.99.
Do you love music, but don’t want to waste time downloading songs and transferring them to your iPhone? And are you pretty much happy listening to the same music from one artist, or one genre? If so, Slacker is an iphone app you have got to get! This works like your own personal radio station, and it’s loaded with thousands and thousands of songs. And best of all, this app is absolutely free…unlike most of the music that you’ll find in iTunes.
If having handy information at your fingertips is your deal, then you’ll want to make sure the Yelp app is installed on your iPhone. Whatever you’re looking for, be it a pharmacy or a theater, Yelp will find it for you. If you can physically walk there, Yelp will virtually find it for you. This app too, is completely free!
Do you love social networking sites and IMing with all of your friends? Do you also hate that when using these individual apps on your iPhone that you have to close one before opening another? Then get the Fring app for iPhone! This combines MSN, Yahoo Messenger and even sites like Facebook and Twitter, and puts them all in one! And, unlike some of the IM sites and social networking sites that are available for the iPhone, this one is free!
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