Where to Get Free iPod Touch Ebooks?

free ebooks for ipod touch

The technology is growing so fast nowadays. Several years ago, people still like to go to the library or book store then borrow or buy their favorite book there. But for many other people who have no much time to go to the book store or library like to read ebook rather than conventional book. And for you who have iPhone, iPod or iPod touch, you could read your favorite ebook on your iPod touch. Before you could read an ebook in your iPod touch, you must have ipod touch ebook application in your iPod touch to get free ipod touch ebooks downloaded in your iTouch.

Where to get free ebooks for ipod touch?

You could get free ebooks for ipod touch by visiting ManyBooks.net. This site is specialize to provide you thousand of free ebooks for iPod touch, PDA, iPhone and any other Ebook Reader. They have about 21000 free itouch ebooks which ready to download to your iPod touch and you could read them easily in your favorite ipod.

You could browse in the most popular ebook titles, many recommendations, or recent reviews from their visitors. And do not forget to visit their special collections, may be you could find something interesting to read . The best thing from there is All of the iTouch Ebooks are free to you and you could read them in your iPod Touch.

Another best sources to get free ebooks for ipod touch is from www.wowio.com. They have thousand free ebooks for your ipod touch, ipad, or your Kindle reader. If you visit their site, do not forget to check their top 10 Books List, or you could see the list of the top ten books from Wowio below:

Top 10 Free Ebooks for iPod Touch from Wowio



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function loadFeedControl() {

var feed = “http://feeds.wowio.com/WOWIO_Top_Books”;

var options = {

numResults : 10


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* Use google.load() to load the AJAX Feeds API

* Use google.setOnLoadCallback() to call loadFeedControl once the page loads


google.load(“feeds”, “1”);




Get Free Ebooks Apps for ipod Touch from iTunes

One of the best source to get free ipod ebooks is come from iTunes, just download some popular ipod touch ebooks apps there and you could start to get thousand of free itouch ebooks.

Here are two examples of popular iTouch ebooks Apps:

1. 1 million FREE Books – Read Kobo eBooks! (by KOBO Inc)

kobo ipod touch ebook app

Download the Kobo ipod touch ebook app Here.

2. Unlimited Free Books – Wattpad eBook Reader (By Wattpad)

Wattpad free ipod touch ebooks app

Download the iTouch ebooks app from Wattpad for Free Here.

I believe there are many other free iTouch ebooks apps in Itunes store, just search on them and download then on your iPod Touch. You need to have an itunes account to get the apps for free. Learn here to create an itunes account without credit card.

Top 10 Free Ebooks for ipod Touch

Below are list of top 10 Free Ebooks for iPod Touch from iTunes:


So, if you love to read ebooks on your ipod touch, then you could check all sources above to get free ipod touch ebooks and you could start reading many books for free. if you have any other sources which provide free ipod touch ebooks, then please kindly share them here.

About the Author:


  1. Ipod touch 4g is awesome. I got the 32g but now wish I would have gone for the 64, Order direct from Apple and get it in 4 days! Order cover and screens from handhelditems.com – great price on shipping!

  2. Aaron hoe do u actually put more app on ur itouch after one time??????do u have the itouch ebook reader????????????????????????how did u dl it?????????????????please please give me a good answer

  3. @Alexandra, if yu have iTunes, plug in yur iPod to yur COMP and go to iTunes. Yu will see a little icon saying yur ipod touch’s name, right click on that then it will say sync, press that and there it is. 😀

  4. @horrace – ipod nano is good for you if you only want music and camera and all that……..ipod classic is for people who want music only and have lotsssss of songs…….but my favourite(which i currently have) is ipod touch -its a bt more expensive than the nano but totally worth it……….great apss……great games…..you can read books …play……..and the touch-screen is the best SO IPOD TOUCH 3g is the best IN MY OPINION(i hav a 32gb touch and am loving it!!!!)

  5. He asked which IPOD is best… the iphone isnt an ipod – its a phone

    Ipod touch is the best ipod.

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