Words for the iPod Touch

Those who love Scrabble or just love word games in general will love the Words app for the iPod Touch. We brought you Words With Friends a few weeks ago and this is another (and maybe even better) word challenge game. Not only will it let you play with other people, but it will also consistently give you new challenges and even more ways to improve yourself!

This game does play out much like Scrabble does. You have your tiles and you place them on the game board and try to gain more points by using harder letters and placing them strategically. But before you play this game, you’ll need to decide which mode you want to play in: casual or pro. In casual mode you cannot make up a word and you’ll have the ability to challenge and look up another player’s word if you’re unsure of the meaning.

One of the best things about this game though is that it will give you your player’s rating at the end of each new game. These ratings are standard according to Chess’ official ELO rating system. And not only does the app pair you with other people to play the game with, but it will also pair you with players who have a rating similar to yours. So you can constantly keep challenging yourself, and playing with people who are playing at your level.

Of course this app has all kinds of advantages over their “competitor” (their words, not ours) such as the fact that there are no ads in this app, and a gopher indicator when the other player is playing. Most of all, this app boasts the fact that it was free when it was first offered, it’s free now, and it always will be free! Get it now by downloading it here.

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