How to Stop Spam Texts iPhone

How to Stop Spam texts, A spam text message is a way to market that product or service. Spam text messages have many different purposes. Sometimes those spam texts are scam.

The majority of spam text messages are not sent from another cell phone. They are most often sent from a computer. They are most often scams. All of the things spam texts are trying to get you to do, the most likely to be a scam is to give out personal information. If you give out any personal information to spammers, the spammers can get the information and sell it.

Read: How to Read iPhone Text Messages on Your Computer

Spam texts iphone scam or text message phishing, is a type of scam that uses text messages to trick the recipient into responding to a phishing scam. The iphone receives a text message that links to a fraudulent website. The goal is to trick the recipient into clicking on a hyperlink, which will redirect them to a fake website that asks them for personal information or passwords. The hyperlink may direct you to a website, which will either install malicious software or load a fake login page.

You compromise the privacy of your data when you allow someone to access it or when you install software from an unknown source.

The spam texts are annoying and interfere with normal text functions. Here are some ways to stop these spam texts from reaching your iPhone inbox.

how to stop spam texts iphone

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How to Stop Spam Texts iPhone?

When you hear an incoming text message, you eagerly check that your phone may be from a friend or family member. This is a robot text, on the other hand, is it spam sent to you by spam? How hard is it to stop an iPhone ad just to find out if it is another spam? Here is the secret:

Use your iphone’s secret setting

  • This location is not properly hidden. You probably never thought about it because it’s so vague. You can help by blocking spam on your mobile device and getting rid of spam and robotic texts.
  • On the iPhone, it is easy to get rid of spam. Go to Settings and select Messages from the drop-down menu.
  • Scroll down to filter unknown senders and change settings. If you are an Android user, open your phone app and select Settings from the three-point menu. Enable Caller ID and Spam under Settings.

How to block robotics and spam?

  • Do not respond
  • Block phone numbers
  • Report Spammer
  • Filter spam through mobile service providers

Blocks spam on iPhone

Go to Settings to get started. Scroll up and down until you receive messages. It must be touched.

Then scroll down until you see “Filter anonymous messages”. This is where the magic happens. Turn it on. You need to scroll to about three pages to get this, but it is worth the effort.

When you open your messaging app, you will now see tabs at the top of the screen. “People and SMS” appears on the left, and contains messages from known contacts in your address book. The new “Unknown Exporters” tab will be on the right.

You will not receive a notification if you receive a message from someone who is not in your address book. Instead, it is stored in this tab.

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