Fixing the iPhone Error 1013 in Itunes

Fixing iPhone Error 1013

True users of any devices produced by information technology (IT) firm Apple Inc. are familiar of the so-called iTunes. Itunes is a multimedia application for iPod, iPod touch, iPhone, iPad, and any other Apple Inc. devices.

Itunes is also used whenever users wanted to transfer and synch their devices at the computer. With the iTunes, users may be able to watch and download their favorite movies and songs using their USB cable. They can also upgrade their devices using it. Moreover, if they wish to restore the original settings outlined by Apple Inc. during the development process, they can also make it with iTunes.

The default iDevice application also does not exclude itself from getting errors, usually if it involves user interaction. ITunes may prompt errors due to connection, transfer, upgrade and restoration processes like the iphone error 1013.

The iTunes error 1103 concerns issues on the upgrade process requested by the user. Let us take iPhone 4 as an example.

If you connect your iPhone 4 in iTunes and iphone error 1103 appears, this means that the baseband did not received the updates. Baseband is the iPhone 4 firmware, which is a modern cellular firmware. This is were the programs are stored. You ca see the baseband version of your device using the following steps:

  • Go to Settings then tap General.
  • Tap into the About button then scroll down and see the Modem Firmware label.
  • The number you can see across the Modem Firmware is the version of your baseband.

Are you worried on how to get it fixed? You better continue reading the rest of the article below to know how to fix iTunes error 1013.

Tips to Fix iPhone error 1013

Here are a couple of options on how to deal with this iphone error 1013.

Apple Inc. requires users to install the latest version of the iTunes, which is version 10. 3.1. Be sure to upgrade your iTunes if it is not yet upgraded.

Do not use any USB hubs or data extension cables when connecting the device. You need to directly connect it to your PC or laptop using the original USB cable.

When it does prompts again, try another port.

You also need to avoid connecting many devices at the same time because it might confuse the system.

If it does not work out, you need to restart the PC and your device as well.

The following are more advanced options, if you don’t have any advanced technical knowledge, you better not adhere to it. If are not afraid of taking risks, feel free to try.

From your host file, you need to eradicate the entry. Here are the steps on how to remove

For MAC OS X users:

  1. Go to the Applications folder.
  2. Find the Utilities folder inside it and explore.
  3. Open Terminal.
  4. Enter the keywords sudo nano/etc/hosts. Hit return afterwards.
  5. You will be promoted to enter your password, input the necessary information if so.
  6. Find the text on the list of entries.
  7. Put the mouse cursor on the line where the entry is find.
  8. You need to put the symbol # in front of the entry.blank
  9. Press Control + O to save the file.
  10. Press Control + X to close the application.
  11. Restart the process of restoring the iDevice you have.

For Windows Users:

  1. Click Start button then proceed to All Programs and then Accessories.
  2. You may choose between Notepad or Wordpad as an editor.
  3. Press Control + O to open file. You can also choose to use the File Menu and click Open.
  4. Go to the directory Windows/System32/drivers/etc and then open hosts.
  5. Find all lines having the keyword and delete those.
  6. Save the file and exit the editor.
  7. Restart the process of restoring your device.

Another similar error like this iphone error 1013 is iphone error 1015, you could read it if you got the error.

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