Nintendo Games for the iPod Touch

Who doesn’t love Nintendo games? Games like Super Mario Bros, Mega Man, and Final Fantasy have all been responsible for countless hours spent by gamers just trying to overcome the hardest challenge and get to that next level to eventually win the game. But, this love of Nintendo does encroach on our iPod Touch use doesn’t it? And just why hasn’t Nintendo come out with an app for the iPod Touch? Well, because they want you to keep buying their latest and greatest gaming consoles, of course. But now, you can download Nintendo games on your iPod Touch, and we’ll tell you how!

First, you need to start with an iPod Touch that you have already jailbreaked. Next, use the to download the Nintendo emulator (also called the NES emulator.) Then download the NES ROM that you want to play onto your computer. Then you’ll need to determine the IP address of your iPod Touch. To find out what your iPod Touch’s IP address is, tap on the “Settings” icon and then tap “WiFi.” Then tap on the blue arrow that’s beside the wireless network that you’re connected to. Then make sure that you make a note of what it says in the IP address field.

Then, if you’re using Windows, you’ll need to download an SFTP capable client such as CoreFTP LE. Don’t worry, this download will cost you absolutely nothing. Then you’ll need to configure this with your iPod Touch settings. This is where you’ll need to enter the IP address of your iPod Touch, as well as a username and password. Be sure that you enter your username as “root” and that you enter your password as “alpine.” Then go to the directory that reads “/var/root/Media.”

Then, if you don’t already have one, create a folder that’s called “ROMs.” This might already exist on your iPod Touch and if so, there’s no reason to create a new one. Open that folder and inside of it, create a new folder called “NES.” Then you can just upload all of your favorite Nintendo games that you’ve already saved onto your computer into this folder. Soon, you’ll be playing all of those classic games in no time!

Please note that these instructions apply only to Windows users. But we haven’t forgotten about Mac users either. Those using a Mac can also download Nintendo games onto their iPod Touch. Stay tuned….tomorrow we’ll tell you how!

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