Apple iPad 2 Thought to be in Production

There have been so many rumours surrounding the Apple iPad 2 device that it is actually quite hard to keep up with them. The latest rumour is that the Apple iPad 2 is actually already in production by Apple, despite it not even being mentioned by the company to any consumers. It is thought that the company has started to manufacture the device already which means that the design and look of the device has all been completed and that it should not really be too long until the device is released.

According to an article that was published online, Apple have had the Apple iPad 2 in production for quite a bit of time now and it is said that it will feature a faster processor as well as a camera. There was also a rumour that the Apple iPad 2 would be made from carbon fibre in order to make it even lighter than ever, but this has not been confirmed.

The Apple iPad 2 is also rumoured to have a front facing camera like the iPhone 4 so that users can have Facetime chats with their friends and family. There could be other things in store for the device too such as the Retina display we have previously seen on the iPhone.

It is rumoured that the iPad 2 could be released around the time of April 3rd now, which is actually 1 year on since the release of the original device.

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